PAXXUS Partners with Dupont™ Tyvek® and Freepoint Eco-Systems LLC

Tyvek® is Partnering Across the Value Chain to Tackle Critical Challenges in Healthcare Waste Recycling. On Earth Day 2021, DuPont™ Tyvek® is proud to further expand ongoing sustainability efforts in coordination with our authorized converter, PAXXUS, and our recycling partner, Freepoint Eco-Systems LLC1, to help better enable closed-loop utilization of plastic waste generated during packaging production. These efforts reiterate our commitment to enable sustainable production cycles in healthcare packaging manufacturing.

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MDDI Online features new Chameleon System

March 12th, 2021 | by Daphne Allen – PAXXUS has launched a new sealant that can provide a vibrant, easy-to-see seal transfer on uncoated Tyvek. The EU Medical Device Regulation has heightened the importance of ensuring package usability. For instance, according to clause 11.4 of the MDR’s General Safety and Performance Requirements (GSPR), “it shall be ensured that the integrity of . . . packaging is clearly evident to the final user.” Medical device manufacturers marketing products in Europe are therefore expected to provide packaging that enables users to recognize a potential loss of integrity.

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